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4 posts tagged with "girl"

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· One min read

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, and suddenly I see someone on Facebook posting a picture of a lantern, so I think of the word lantern. I ask MJ to draw pictures, and here are the results.

Ads with girls

girl + cute face + final fantasy + lantern —test —ar 16:9 

2022-09-07 12.52.37.png

· One min read

Next week is Mid-Autumn Festival. There is no Mid-Autumn Festival atmosphere here. Seeing you guys cheering for the Mid-Autumn Festival on Facebook, I asked MJ to draw some pictures for me.


MJ, please draw some pictures about the Mid-Autumn Festival next week

2022-09-03 16.15.53.png

· One min read

Các mỹ nhân trong Final Fantasy ngày càng được vẽ đẹp hơn theo thời gian. Thử xem MJ vẽ các cô gái thế nào. Bỏ qua tất cả những tấm ảnh xấu hoặc vẽ quá chi tiết, dừng lại với tham số --stop 80--test được kết quả thế này. The beauties in Final Fantasy are drawn more and more beautiful over time. Let's see how MJ draws girls. I used the parameter of --stop 80 and --test to ignore all bad images or draw too much detail. And here are the results.


MJ, please draw some girl portraits with Final Fantasy style

2022-09-02 19.37.08.webp

· One min read

The thought of an elf came into my mind. I asked MJ to draw a picture of her. And here is the result. My feeling about the new parameter of MJ --test, the face is much better, eyes and nose are correct positions, e.g. the eyes are horizontal, the eyes are vertical, the nose has 3 holes. MJ is getting better and better.


MJ please draw some portraits of elves for me

2022-08-31 07.42.27.png